Contract Addresses

Deployer Account


All move modules (smart contracts) related to Merkle Trade protocol are deployed under the deployer account.

Token Addresses

Fungible Asset vs Coin: On the Aptos blockchain, there are two standards for fungible tokens: Fungible Asset (the new standard) and Coin (the legacy standard).

For the MKL token, there are two addresses—one for the Fungible Asset and one for the Coin—but they both represent the same token. Please refer to the Aptos docs for more info about the migration.


Fungible Asset 0x878370592f9129e14b76558689a4b570ad22678111df775befbfcbc9fb3d90ab

Coin (legacy) 0x5ae6789dd2fec1a9ec9cccfb3acaf12e93d432f0a3a42c92fe1a9d490b7bbc06::mkl_token::MKL

MKLP Token

Coin (legacy) 0x5ae6789dd2fec1a9ec9cccfb3acaf12e93d432f0a3a42c92fe1a9d490b7bbc06::house_lp::MKLP<0xf22bede237a07e121b56d91a491eb7bcdfd1f5907926a9e58338f964a01b17fa::asset::USDC>


Fungible Asset 0x3b5200e090d188c274e06b0d64b3f66638fb996fb0b350499975ff36b1f4595

Last updated